What happens to a nation run by a group of extremely wealthy anti-fact, anti-democracy, anti-humanity crackpots, who firmly believe that they know everything? The USA is about to find out.
Hard to believe that since 2015, so many US voters learned so little about what return of the alt-right to power is going to mean to this nation. Most of the Americans, who voted for Donald J Trump, believe he was elected to serve their interests. From all indications, Trump believes that he was elected so that the USA can serve his interests and the interests of his techno-nazi oligarchs.
Regarding those techno-nazi oligarchs (Musk, Theil, Vance, etc.), here is a little information as to how they have formulated their extremely narcissistic system of beliefs:
With what has been learned over the years about Donald J Trump's outsized ego, proclivity for spouting full-blown lies, bigotry, vindictiveness and refusal to accept reality, the odds are good that his second term as POTUS will end even worse than his first. For those of you who don't remember the end of his first term after his mismanagement of COVID-19, mishandling of protests which fueled their expansion, pandering to Putin & Kim, abandonment of US allies, 2 impeachments and assisting in seriously dividing this nation, that is dangerous territory.
My hope is that I am wrong, but with Trump's chaotic management style, need to feed his fragile ego, constant denial of reality and irrational hatred of those who don't agree with what he says, the utter destruction of what has been the evolution of American democracy may well be around the corner.
Pre-2024 election postings:
About Jan. 6, 2021:
Donald J. Trump (DJT) was POTUS on 1/6/21.
DJT had a sworn obligation to protect the Constitution on that date.
DJT went to "Stop the Steal" rally to further incite the crowd to act against the certification of the 2020 election.
DJT did nothing to protect the Capital until 2:38PM EST (then he did little but attempt after-the-fact CYA).
The Aftermath ->
Evidently the pre-2024 Trumpian election agenda has moved on from:
The 2024 US election has come and gone. A plurality of US voters + those deciding not to vote have decided that their prejudices, self-interests & perceived grievances are more important than truth, justice & democracy. As a result, we are about to find out if the USA, as it has been since the end of WWII, can survive another term of Donald J Trump as its POTUS.
Owning Gaza?
Gulf of America?
Canada 51st US state?
Colonization of Greenland?
Tariffs on everything?
Banning social justice?
Selling out the Ukraine to Putin?
Elon Musk tearing apart the federal government?
Perhaps the US was better off with a doddering, senile POTUS, who was completely out of touch?
Donald J Trump and most of his followers only know one note. Me. Me, me, me, me....... They play this one note, endlessly.
Trump wants to create his own Putin-style empire. Trump's techno-nazis want to subjugate humanity to their technology. Trump's Christian Nationalists want to force everyone into their belief system. Trump alt-right nationalists want to make the USA for whites only. What can possibly go wrong?
With a history of bankrupting his organizations, Donald J Trump has moved on to attempting to morally bankrupt an entire nation.
The ongoing religious and social turmoil in Western Civilization continues to confirm the wisdom of the founders of the US seeking to separate matters of the state from religion.
To learn more on this start at:
Somewhere along the line, I missed the part about the United States of America having been founded upon the principle of "liberty and justice only for well-off, conservative White Christians".
The hiatus in the all-out war between truth, justice & democracy versus fascism is over. Once again that war is raging across this planet. One either stands up for freedom of expression, the rights of all or one succumbs to the likes of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
Adolf Hitler and the band of genocidal sociopaths around him did not empower Nazism. It took the people of the German nation, who thought there was something in his rise for them.
Will humans ever tire of following leaders, who incentivize their worst instincts at the expense of the rest of existence?
Will the USA mourn what little democracy they had when it is gone?
Random thoughts on 2024 POTUS election & a Trumpified USA:
These postings will be added to frequently.
If you wish, send comments & queries about these posting through this website's comments feature.
Has our Constitution lost its ability to stand up to a corrupt, criminal conman?
Democracy will either push back against Donald J Trump & Elon Musk or democracy dies in the USA.
Due to tariffs, loss of federal protections & Medicaid + decimation of the federal work force, "Trump Stagflation" is about to hit the USA.
It will not be pretty.
Throughout human history, truth & reality always win out over attempts to kill it off. Trump & his techno-nazis methods of suppressing truth may have won in the short-term, but eventually the truth & reality will triumph.
Trump wants to create his own Putin-style empire. Trump's techno-nazis want to subjugate humanity to their technology. Trump's Christian Nationalists want to force everyone into their belief system. Trump's alt-right nationalists want to make the USA for whites only. What can possibly go wrong?
Who knew that future of Twitter was actually a precursor of the future for the USA?
For the rest of existence, Trump & his followers' "America First" is rapidly turning into "America is the Worst".
The Trumpified US federal government is now best viewed as an extension of Putin's authoritarian oligarchy.
At some point in this Trumpian craziness, shouldn't the Democrats move toward recall elections in House districts which have become fed up with what Trump has wrought? If Dems can take back the House of Representatives, they can begin moving toward a serious effort to impeach Trump.
Ask not what the great & powerful Donald J Trump can do for you. Rather ask yourself what you can do for the great & powerful Donald J Trump. If the answer is nothing, then Donald J Trump considers you expendable.
We are about to find out just how much damage Donald J Trump & his sycophants can do to the USA. At this point, it appears democracy has failed in the USA.
At some point in this Trump-Musk odyssey, it may become necessary to understand that the USA is not going to recover from their actions. A permanent authoritarian oligarchy of the techno-nazis/Christian Nationalists/alt-right will be in place. Decisions will need to be made where truth, justice & democracy go from there.
Taking over the Gaza strip. Invading Mexico, Panama or Greenland. Forcing Canada to become the 51st US state. Is this what a plurality of US voters voted for in 2024?
Donald J Trump, King of turning USA into a gated community. is the immediate threat to truth, justice & democracy.
Musk and the rest of the billionaire techno-nazis, wannabe dictators of technology-controlled mini-nations, are the longer-term threat.
Donald J Trump & his techno-nazi/Christian Nationalist/alt-right sycophants have already morally bankrupted the USA. We are about to find out if they will fiscally bankrupt the USA as well.
To date, Donald J Trump's words & actions portray an incoming POTUS, who firmly believes that he has been elected so that the nation can serve his personal interests and to a lesser extent, the interests of his techno-nazi/Christian Nationalist/alt-right oligarchs.
1200, Jan. 20, 2025. This is small part of what it feels like to have lost one ́s nation to a band of unprincipled authoritarians.
In V2.0 or Trump as POTUS, one of the main issues will be whether or not Trumpian incompetence & belligerence will bankrupt the USA as well eliminate what little truth, justice & democracy which still exists within the nation.
In V2.0 of the Trumpian Era, the rules are simple:
The Constitution, rule of law & normal human decency do not apply to Donald J Trump.
If there is failure, it is always the fault of someone other than Donald J Trump.
What Donald J Trump wants, everyone should help Trump get.
Any reporting that makes Donald J Trump look bad is fake news.
Anyone against Donald J Trump is an enemy of the USA.
In the long run, the techno-nazis Elon Musk, Peter Theil, JD Vance and their ilk are likely a much greater danger to the freedoms most people in Western Civilization currently have than Vladimir Putin or Donald J Trump.
The pardon of the J6 defendants is an affront to justice & common sense. Am becoming increasingly certain that Trump's self-proclaimed "Revolution of common sense" is actually a frontal assault on the concept of common sense.
The USA has become a very self-centered, xenophobic nation with a short attention span. The re-election of Donald J Trump proves this.
Kamala Harris received 6+ million votes less than Biden did in 2020. Was it because she's a woman? Was it because she is not white? Was it because she was a replacement candidate? Was it because of her positions? Until known, Dems are grasping at straws.
We are about to find out if V2.0 of Trump as POTUS will be as much of a problem for our world as his idol, Vladimir Putin.
When did US voters elect Elon Musk to be the co-POTUS and will there be a search party sent out to find JD Vance?
American neo-Fascism is on the rise & Donald J Trump is its leader.
Whatever/whether Jesus of Nazarath was, his US Christian Nationalist followers have more in common with Inquisitors/Crusaders from the Middle Ages than the 2nd/3rd-hand reporting (+voluminous editing driven by political situations) of what Christ's message allegedly was.
Jeffery Epstein seems to be a common thread which runs through the highest levels of the Trumpian World.
evil often comes wrapped in the cloth of religion and nationalism
Donald J Trump will become even more wild and vindictive if his political fortunes once again begin to fade.
Don't confuse bigotry with common sense
when elections become popularity contests and celebrity becomes a primary qualification to run for public office, the future of democracy is in peril
Vladimir Putin's invasion of the Ukraine continues the tradition of fascists trying to expand their influence and territory despite all consequences to humanity and the planet. This vile, Stalin-wannabe, genocidal war criminal has turned the Russian Federation into a terrorist state.
Continuing political support for Donald J Trump and his ilk is an affront to the traditions of the founding of the USA & rationality
Donald J Trump has normalized being obnoxious in public.
be wary of religions and ideologies which force you to proclaim fealty only to themselves
neither government nor religion should be seen as a replacement for good parenting
Misinformation, Misrepresentation & Conspiracy Theories should not be seen as a valid political agenda
one of the primary founding principles of the USA was freedom of expression and religion
any attempt to abridge that freedom is anti-American
conspiracies are developed paranoid word by paranoid buzz-word
willing humans are pulled in line by line
Fear & terror are the primary tools of Tyrants
Thomas Jefferson was a very interesting man.
Benjamin Franklin was a great man.
good governance is good for humanity
democracy without protections for truth, justice, fairness & all citizens is nothing more than anarchy
the battle has long been truth, justice and democracy
versus dogma, privilege and ethno-nationalist oligarchy
unfortunately, at the present time, support for democratic principles & voting rights are on the decline
Rather depressing, that Biden & Trump were the best the political process in the supposedly most advanced nation on the planet could offer up as POTUS over the past 3 terms.
An unconventional political view