Current thinking:  

These postings will be added to frequently.

If you wish, send comments & queries about these posting through this website's comments feature. 

Joe Biden is too old & incompetent to lead this nation. The real question is if his political party will

do something other than try to hide it. They do a great disservice to this nation through continuing to

play this charade.  The Democrats would be much better served by shifting away from their current slogan of "Let's Go Joe" to "Let go, Joe".

American neo-Fascism is on the rise & Donald J Trump is its leader.

evil often comes wrapped in the cloth of religion and nationalism

Donald J Trump is going to become even more wild and vindictive as his legal troubles escalate and his political fortunes fade.

don’t confuse bigotry with common sense

when elections become popularity contests and celebrity becomes a primary qualification to run for public office, the future of democracy is in peril

Vladimir Putin's invasion of the Ukraine continues the tradition of fascists trying to expand their influence and territory despite all consequences to humanity and the planet. This vile, Stalin-wannabe, genocidal war criminal has turned the Russian Federation into a terrorist state. 

Continuing political support for Donald J Trump and his ilk is an affront to the traditions of the founding of the USA & rationality

Donald J Trump has normalized being obnoxious in public. 

be wary of religions and ideologies which force you to proclaim fealty only to themselves

neither government nor religion should be seen as a replacement for good parenting

​misinformation, misrepresentation & conspiracy theories should not be seen as a valid political agenda

one of the primary founding principles of the USA was freedom of expression and religion

any attempt to abridge that freedom is anti-American

conspiracies are developed paranoid word by paranoid buzz-word
willing humans are pulled in line by line

fear & terror are the primary tools of tyrants

​good governance is good for humanity

democracy without protections for truth, justice, fairness & all citizens is nothing more than anarchy

the battle has long been truth, justice and democracy
versus dogma, privilege and ethno-nationalist oligarchy

unfortunately, at the present time, support for democratic principles & voting rights are on the decline

Rather depressing, that Biden & Trump are the best the political process in the supposedly most advanced nation on the planet can offer up. 

An unconventional political view

Joe Biden did the right thing!!!

Whatever results from that decision in the 2024 election, will drive this nation for at least the next decade.

About Jan. 6, 2021:

​Donald J. Trump (DJT) was POTUS on 1/6/21.
DJT had a sworn obligation to protect the Constitution on that date.
DJT went to “Stop the Steal” rally to further incite the crowd to act against the certification of the 2020 election.
DJT did nothing to protect the Capital until 2:38PM EST (then he did little but attempt after-the-fact CYA).

For more info ->  

Biden is too old & "out of it". Trump is too old & is a serious threat to the principles which have founded & advanced this nation.
That Biden & Trump are the primary 2024 candidates for POTUS, indicates the severity of the political crisis within this nation.

Both political parties are gaslighting the voters. The Democrats by insisting that Joe Biden is capable of leading this nation when 

all evidence points to the contrary. The GOP by trying to insist that everything Donald J Trump does is "normal" & that he is not a direct

threat to democracy, truth and justice.

Donald J Trump and most of his followers only know one note. Me. Me, me, me, me.......  They play this one note, endlessly.

The ongoing political turmoil in Western Civilization (much of which has been fomented in large part by Vladimir Putin's minions}  continues to confirm the wisdom of the founders of the US seeking to separate matters of the state from religion.. 

To learn more on this start at:


Somewhere along the line, I missed the part about the United States of America having been founded upon the principle of "liberty and justice only for well-off, conservative White Christians".

The hiatus in the all-out war between truth, justice & democracy versus fascism is over. Once again that war is raging across this planet. One either stands up for freedom of expression, the rights of all or one succumbs to the likes of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. 

Adolf Hitler and the band of genocidal sociopaths around him did not empower Nazism. It took the people of the German nation, who thought there was something in his rise for them. 

​Will humans ever tire of following leaders, who incentivize their worst instincts at the expense of the rest of existence?